

Date of Meeting:

11 January 2020

Report of:

Monitoring Officer

Contact Officer:


Lisa Johnson


01273 291228



Wards Affected:








1.                    SUMMARY AND POLICY CONTEXT:


1.1             To receive any petitions submitted directly to Democratic Services or any e-Petition submitted via the council’s website.


2.               RECOMMENDATIONS:


2.2             That the Committee responds to the petition either by noting, or where it is considered more appropriate, calls for an officer report on the matter.



3.               PETITIONS


 (i)        Objection to PAN Proposal Benfield Primary School – Ms H Keilthy



To receive the following petition:


We the undersigned petition Brighton & Hove Council to reject the proposal to reduce the number of pupil places, based on a number of arguments already submitted to the council, through both consultation and follow up correspondence.

We strongly object to the proposal, we have already petitioned (successfully) against this in 2017 and we want to reiterate as before, that Benfield primary, which is stronger now than ever, is a child centric, well run, successful school that provides the diversity and choice that we need in this area.






(ii)        Closure of Hertford Infant Nursery – Ms H Griffiths


   To receive the following petition:


Reconsider the closure of Hertford Infants Nursery Provision in September 2021.


Why is this important?

The nursery is an integral part of a child’s education and means that each child in the local area can attend the same site when they start nursery age 3 through to when they transfer to junior school. Transition becomes easier as friendships span through from the nursery setting into the infants. The nursery also offers the option of 15 free hours over term time, ensuring parents and carers can avoid additional costs which private settings often incur.

There are also plenty of families ready and waiting to use the existing provision and also those that would be happy to consider nursery and reception children coming together in their education setting if this helps keep the nursery open